Friday, September 16, 2011

What a Waste!

My brother has a 1976 Cosworth Vega he bought about 25 years ago. It is a very rare car and it only has around 30 or 40 thousand miles on it. Every once in a while, on special occasions, maybe a couple of times a year, he would pull it out, wash it, and wax it. Then he would drive it around a little and park it back in the barn. For a while he parked it in my Grandpa’s garage but somehow it got put back into the barn. He put a tarp over it and then it’s almost like he forgot about it. The car has been sitting there for more than fifteen years. The tarp has rotted off. It’s completely covered with bird dirt and dust. Mice have gotten in and built nests on the engine, in the air breather, in the glove box, and who knows where else. The whole car smells like mouse pee. There is even mold growing on the steering wheel.

This is perfect illustration of what can happen when we allow worry and fear to go unchecked in our lives. They don’t just go away, instead they get worse and turn into anxiety and depression. If they’re neglected long enough they become insanity. What a waste. It doesn’t have to be this way. Take action now while the problems are smaller so that you can be the rare and precious person that you were meant to be in the first place. Don’t waste your life. Just like my brother’s Vega, if you neglect working on these things now it will cost you much more to fix later.

Pressing On with Excellence,


Thursday, September 8, 2011

New and Better Life

With the events over the past few weeks, I don't know, but it looks like I need to change my focus. I'm in a transition where I think one part of my life has to end before a new one can begin. I've been looking forward to this but, none the less, it's still kind of scary and I'm tempted to worry. I wished my boat would have been a little closer to the dock before I had to jump, but it is what it is and I'm trusting that God has a plan.
It's kind of exciting not knowing what God has next. I've been out of work before, but never like this. Really, I've been praying about this new and better life for at least a year now. Yet, sometimes my thinking can go negative. I've been in the process of trying to change the way I think for a couple of years, so I know what to do when my thinking is negative. I've been envisioning a new and better life for the last couple of years. I don't know exactly what that is going to look like but I do know that for sure I was never going to be able to see it from where I was at. Sometimes we need a little push out of the nest to take the next step.

Pressing on with Excellence,

Friday, September 2, 2011

Red or Orange?

I'm trying to decide on the cover for my new book and would appreciate some feedback.

or orange?